Sunday, January 29, 2006

this and that blog

Headline of the week.
Starving woman curses God, dies in her sleep.

The first Elmo scandal
The talking book, “Potty Time With Elmo,” has Elmo saying what appears to be “Who wants to die?”

The second Elmo scandal
From Boing Boing:
On Monday, I posted about how some copies of the interactive talking book Potty Time With Elmo reportedly say "Who wants to die?" instead of "Who wants to try to go potty?" BB reader Maria Burke reports a similar surreal situation involving her "Shout!" Dancing Elmo Doll. Here's what she writes:

“My Shout Elmo said you make Elmo wanna shout beat up elmo, shoot his foot out. If Fisherprice had taken my concerns seriously perhaps this book (Potty Time) may have never been produced and each book have been scrutinized before it went out for sale. I had requested that Fisherprice check each puppet or modify it so it was more audible....
“I did discuss the matter in a web site that I belong to .... and I wrote to Sesame Street, FisherPrice and even the Toy Guy as well as have a short clip on channel Ten. Fisherprice considered my case isolative and not worthy of investigating further seeing that all their "Elmo's" appeared to sound appropriate but I asked several people on the street what they heard and they did not hear BE LIKE ELMO clearly. Now this new book is out and it worries me that bad subliminal messages are being infiltrated and the target is people who don't speak English and those children are getting the message. I would advice all parents to monitor all the new toys and really really listen.”

… Maria sent me an audio clip of what indeed sounds like Elmo singing "beat up elmo" and "shoot his foot out."

Elmo wants us to torture him, and then die. For some reason this has AMerican mothers worried.

Amazon tags for Kate O’Beirne’s "Women Who Make the World Worse: and How Their Radical Feminist Assault Is Ruining Our Schools, Families, Military, and Sport"

100 percent lies... (1)
19th century... (1)
about-time... (1)
adams apple... (1)
anti-woman… (1)
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awesome… (1)
back to the kitchen... (1)
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bigoted… (1)
bird-cage liner-... (2)
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thought-provoking... (2)
too much rouge.. (1)
TotallyTrue... (1)
Trash… (2)
truth… (2)
truth to secular power... (1)
truthful… (1)

Ms. O'Beirne doesn't like feminists. Hey, I saved you the price of her book!


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